Day: October 29, 2022

How did Korea overcome IMF crisis?

How did Korea overcome IMF crisis? In November 1997, Korea was hit by a currency-cum-banking crisis that left it no option but to seek official assistance from the IMF. Thanks to the help of the IMF, other multilateral institutions, and many of its friends abroad, Korea was able to avoid the worst possible scenario, i.e.,

What is the point of The Lobster movie?

What is the point of The Lobster movie? So what is “The Lobster” really about? The whole film is essentially a satire on how society views single people and how social norms play a huge role in human behaviour. Most of the guests at “The Hotel” are not really looking for love or a soulmate,

Why is my cat eating normally but losing weight?

Why is my cat eating normally but losing weight? Gastrointestinal (GI) Problems Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can affect the absorption of nutrients in the GI tract and contribute to weight loss, even if your cat is eating well. Other causes may be related to food allergies or certain GI infections. When should

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