Is Regence Uniform Medical Plan Medicare?
Is Regence Uniform Medical Plan Medicare?
UMP Classic is the Public Employees Benefits Board’s (PEBB) Medicare plan. It gives you access to a wide range of benefits, plus health and wellness programs designed to support your health care needs.
What does UMP stand for in insurance?
Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-insured health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s (HCA) Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. UMP is administered by Regence BlueShield and Washington State Rx Services.
What is Washington State Rx Services?
Washington State Rx Services administers UMP prescription drug benefits under a contract with HCA. Washington State Rx Services is a partnership of companies: Moda Health — Administration (including preauthorization and appeals) and customer service. Postal Prescription Services (PPS) — Network mail-order pharmacy.
What is the difference between UMP Classic and UMP plus?
UMP Plus has a lower deductible and monthly premium than UMP Classic while offering most of the same benefits. For most services, you can see a specialist without a referral, and you pay $0 for covered preventive care services when you see a network provider.
What is Pebb Washington State?
The Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program purchases and coordinates insurance benefits for eligible public employees and retirees.
What is extension underinsured motorist protection?
Extension Underinsured Motorist Protection (UMP) increases the protection provided under your Basic Autoplan, in the event that the policy covering the at-fault driver has insufficient coverage.
Is Washington prescription assistance program legitimate?
Washington Drug Card is a free statewide prescription assistance program designed to help the residents of Washington afford their prescription medications. The Washington Drug Card launched August 26th, 2008 and is available to every resident of Washington regardless of age or income.
Is GoodRx available in Washington State?
Use GoodRx to look up prices and discount coupons at pharmacies in Washington and save up to 80% with our free coupons. Even if you have insurance or Medicare, GoodRx’s discount prices are often lower than your co-pay.
Does UW accept Regence insurance?
While you pay for coverage through UW, the state designs the plans and contracts with Regence BlueShield and Washington State Rx Services to administer the plan. You have five UMP plan options in 2022: UMP Classic. UMP Plus – UW Medicine Accountable Care Network.
What is the difference between SEBB and Pebb?
The Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program provides benefits primarily for employees of state agencies and higher education institutions. The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) provides benefits for employees of school districts and charter schools, and for represented employees of ESDs.
What is sers2?
School Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) Plan 2 SERS Plan 2 is a lifetime retirement pension plan available to public employees in Washington. You and your employer contribute a percentage of income to fund the plan.