What is odontoblast differentiation?
What is odontoblast differentiation?
Odontoblasts are post-mitotic, neural crest-derived, cells which overtly differentiate according to tooth specific temporo-spatial patterns and secrete predentin-dentin components.
What causes displacement of Odontoblastic nuclei in the dentinal tubules?
Stimuli applied to an exposed dentine surface cause displacement of the tubular contents, which in turn excites the nerve terminals.
What factors are involved in odontoblast differentiation?
These include, (1) the condensation of the neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells around the epithelial bud, (2) their entrance into the dental papilla lineage during cap stage, and (3) the differentiation of the cells underlying the enamel epithelium into odontoblasts during bell stage.
What is location of odontoblast cells?
the dental pulp
Odontoblasts are tall columnar cells located at the periphery of the dental pulp. They derive from ectomesenchymal cells originated by migration of neural crest cells during the early craniofacial development.
When does the odontoblast cell develop?
Development. Odontoblasts first appear at sites of tooth development at 17–18 weeks in utero and remain present until death unless killed by bacterial or chemical attack, or indirectly through other means such as heat or trauma (e.g. during dental procedures).
What is Ameloblast and odontoblast?
Ameloblasts secrete enamel matrix and are derived from oral ectodermal cells. Odontoblasts produce dentine and develop from CNC cells, as do all other supporting dental cells. Ameloblasts are the only cells remaining in teeth at birth that are derived from the ectoderm.
What is inside the dentine?
dentin, also spelled dentine, in anatomy, the yellowish tissue that makes up the bulk of all teeth. It is harder than bone but softer than enamel and consists mainly of apatite crystals of calcium and phosphate.
What do odontoblast cells do?
Odontoblasts are specialized cells that produce dentin and exhibit unique morphological characteristics; i.e., they extend cytoplasmic processes into dentinal tubules.
What is the function of odontoblast?
The odontoblast sits between the soft dental pulp and hard dentin, and its primary function is to produce dentin. And you may be more familiar with dentin than you think.
When does odontoblast cell develop?
Can dentin be repaired?
Tooth enamel is incapable of self-repairing whereas dentin and cememtum can regenerate with limited capacity. Enamel and dentin are commonly under the attack by caries.