What is the philosophical meaning of love?
What is the philosophical meaning of love?
The idea of romantic love initially stems from the Platonic tradition that love is a desire for beauty-a value that transcends the particularities of the physical body. For Plato, the love of beauty culminates in the love of philosophy, the subject that pursues the highest capacity of thinking.
What does Immanuel Kant say about love?
In the Doctrine of Virtue Kant stipulates that ‘Love is a matter of feeling, not of willing, and I cannot love because I will to, still less because I ought to (I cannot be constrained to love); so a duty to love is an absurdity’ (MS 6:401).
What is morality as love?
Love and morality are generally assumed to differ in spirit. The moral. point of view is impartial and favors no particular individual, whereas. favoring someone in particular seems like the very essence of love.
Does love have moral obligation?
Here is the second imperative: Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or the person of another, always as an end in itself and never as a means only. This is the law Kant argues we must obey if love is to be moral.
What philosophers say about love?
Of the classic ideas on love, Aristotle seemed most intrigued by philia, or brotherly love, and the types of friendships contained within it: utility, pleasure and friendships of “good.” Utility friendships are just that: relationships that exist mostly due to circumstance.
What is Plato’s theory of love?
Plato believed that love is the motivation that leads one to try to know and contemplate beauty in itself. This happens through a gradual process that begins with an appreciation of the appearance of physical beauty and then moves on to an appreciation of spiritual beauty.
What is the role of ethics in love?
Noah Elkrief states that love is the ability to be with someone without feeling the need to make judgements; negative or positive about that person. Morality and ethics play an important role on love and relationships, by establishing unsaid rules and understandings between the two lovers involved in the relationship.
What does Aristotle say about love?
In the first chapter, I explore Aristotle’s moral psychology of love in general. To love something in itself, as opposed to loving it because it pleases you or is useful to you, is to love it on the basis of one’s rational recognition that it is kalon (“fine” or morally “beautiful”) and good in itself.
Why is love a moral value?
Many moral systems hold that love is foundational to doing right. The Bible, for example, commands us to “love thy neighbour” – not merely to respect or value them, but to love them. Thousands of years later, philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch wrote that “loving attention” is the core of morality.
Is love a moral emotion?
Love is a moral emotion precisely in the sense that its spirit is closely akin to that of morality.
Why is love a duty?
The valuation aspect of our attitude toward a person we love is what may be required as a matter of duty, because love involves valuing the persons we love for their own sake, as in loving a child. A child is born having certain temperament and genetic make-up and there is not much we can do to alter them.
Is love a duty?
One cannot directly, or “at will,” control an emotional response, but one can undermine any commitment one would normally have under the circumstances. Thus, the feeling of love is not a duty, though being disposed to act a certain way with respect to the person one has the feelings for is controllable.