What is the root word of circumspect?
What is the root word of circumspect?
The word circumspect was borrowed from Latin circumspectus, from circumspicere, “to be cautious.” The basic meaning of Latin circumspicere is “to look around.” Near synonyms are prudent and cautious, though circumspect implies a careful consideration of all circumstances and a desire to avoid mistakes and bad …
What is the meaning of the word circumspectly?
in a careful and prudent way
in a careful and prudent way; discreetly: All preachers ought to work hard at living circumspectly, as they are called to be examples.
What is an example of circumspection?
Circumspect is defined as cautious and unwilling to take risks. If you have two choices and always choose the least risky one, this is an example of a time when you are circumspect.
What is circumspect behavior?
adjective. watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent: circumspect behavior.
Where did the word perspicacious come from?
The adjective perspicacious is a long word for a short definition: “keen” or “shrewd.” This word is descended from the Latin word perspicere, which means “to look closely.” In other words, if you look closely at something you are paying attention to it and know it well.
Is Circum a Greek or Latin root?
The prefix circum- which means “around” and the Latin root word circ which mean “ring” both are influential in “rounding” out one’s knowledge of English vocabulary.
What is the synonym of circumspect?
Some common synonyms of circumspect are cautious, chary, and wary. While all these words mean “prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk,” circumspect suggests less fear and stresses the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding.
What is the synonyms of circumspect?
What is the difference between perspicuous and perspicacious?
Perspicuous is based on Latin perspicere, meaning “to see through,” so that which is perspicuous is clear and understandable. Perspicuous has a close cousin, perspicacious, which is used of a person with astute insight.
What does Pellucidity mean?
1 : admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion a pellucid stream. 2 : reflecting light evenly from all surfaces. 3 : easy to understand.